Yes - All of this information is more easily understood when discussed face to face.
In person or live video chat.
Call me at (909) 367-8018. Leave a voice mail and I will call you back as soon as I can.
Yes - You can lock in the price of a Cremation or Traditional Funeral and Cemetery products and services.
The "Guaranteed Goods and Services Contract" format I use guarantees the price forever. Just like purchasing a car or a house. Every line item that makes up your contract has a price associated with that item so you will know up-front what the cost is. This way you will always know the total amount needed to complete your funeral obligation if you pass away before your payments are complete.
This eliminates the guess-work.
When this fact sinks in, we all realize we should have done this a long time ago. Soooooooooo..
Yes - Sooner is better than later. With the average American Life Span at +/- 78 years, if a pre-plan is made at birth, the average American can save their family and average of 78 years worth of inflation.
How much did everything cost 78 years ago?
How much will everything cost 78 years from now?
You get the picture.
See the Insurance tab above for more.
Yes - I believe that EVERYONE wins when the person whom has passed has pre-planned.
This entire web site is dedicated to what you get out of it but what does the Mortuary or Cemetery get out of it?
Here's our selfish motivation - from the business perspective...
Every business wants their customers to love them.
That can be hard to do when you're a Funeral Home.
When someone dies and the family buys,
it's easy to feel like you're being taken advantage of during the worst time of your life.
Especially if you haven't arranged a funeral before or it been a long time and you are unaware of the cost or how much the price has risen.
Don't get me wrong. People get through it every day but is doesn't have to be that way.
When your family walks in the Funeral Home with only tears in eyes and no dollar signs and question marks in their eyes along with them, it's a completely different transaction.
My company uses J.D. Power and Associates to survey our customers that have used my locations after a loss. Our best scores come from families that have pre-planned.
Why? Because no one feels like we've taken advantage of their situation.
In fact, they took advantage of us and what we offered years ago when they pre-planned.
They paid much less than they would have and experienced a level of comfort and closure that money can't buy.
They feel like we helped them to the highest degree when the family was at their most vulnerable point.
Many have expressed that it was like having a V.I.P reservation at a fine restaurant.
We could say, "NO!
But we don't say that at all.
We want you to stay in the driver's seat and pre-plan the service of your choice.
So, take advantage of it!!!
Yes - The superstition that people express is silly.
When we die nothing wrong is happening here.
What separates us from the animals is our need to honor and celebrate the life that was lived as an important aspect to getting over the loss.
Don't get me wrong. Sometimes the circumstances behind the cause of our death can be down-right tragic.
But, no matter the circumstances, everyone will touch a funeral home at some point.
Don't make it worse than is already is by having to plan and pay for a service after a horrible tragedy.
So isn't it better to have your plan made and not need it every day you live than need a Funeral Plan and not have on the day you die - and who can predict what day that will be?
Yes - I believe that the quality of our society is tied to the manner in which we honor and celebrate life, living and death.
Look at the segments of our communities that continue to grow no matter how bad the news looks. Now look at the manner in which they celebrate their dead. I see a direct relationship.
When someone passes away, they should not just vanish without a word said.
Unless there is simply no one left to speak about you because you've out-lived everyone. No friend, no neighbor no old co-workers - NO ONE. Yeah, Right!
Again, don't get me wrong. A full celebration does not have to be expensive but it does have to be the right fit for the surviving family. They will remember what was said and what was never said for the rest of their lives.
Which brings me to my next point...
Yes - Some people (usually us men) say, "I don't care what they do with me. Just through me in the trash".
What that person is really saying is either, "I don't want to be a bother or a burden to anyone when I die" or "I'm so mad at the world, I'm so mad at my family etc. that I don't want anyone to come to my funeral".
It's the, "bring me flowers now, not to my funeral" thing. I get it.
Either way, no matter how loving or dysfunctional the relationship is, we don't have the right to say,
"DON'T LOVE ME WHEN I DIE". It will hurt the ones you leave behind more than you know. I've seen it.
No - Your employee benefit plan or life insurance policy does not cover you the same way a Guaranteed Funeral Pre-Plan Contract does. Do these policies connect you with a mortuary? - secure the mortuary costs so they stop rising? - put you in a plan that will eventually pay offthe products and services you need?
Yes - Pre-Planning helps to eliminate "Emotional Over-Spending".
When is the worst time to go grocery shopping?
That's right! When you're hungry!
However, if you eliminate the emotional need for food before you shop, you stay in control.
Make a list of what you need, look at your budget and eat before you go and then see what happens.
Take the same approach to making Funeral Arrangements. Make your decisions now, while your sane, and stick to them when you go insane.
Umbrellas are cheapest in summer.
Yes - Pre-Planning helps to maintain family unity during a Funeral Arrangement. It is easier for Family and Friends to feel good about the type of service and the cost when it's already been decided and paid for.
Yes - Pre-planning means less time in the Arrangement room when the time comes. This allows for more time for fine- tuning in order to make the celebration truly special.
Yes – There are usually incentives offered by the Funeral Home and or Cemetery to encourage folks to establish a Pre-plan contract.
Terms and conditions apply.
Yes - EVERYONE IS APPROVED FOR A MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN without a credit check. There is no use of credit with my locations. Interest rates and monthly payments may vary based on down payment, length of terms, age, gender and other insurance factors
- if applicable.
Yes - Cremation costs less and gives you more options and...
Yes - You should Pre-Plan your cremation service - for all of the same reasons a traditional burial should be Pre-Planned.
See the "Cremation Specialists" tab above.
Yes – You can Pre-Plan for someone who is not doing well.
Pre-Planning is virtually the same for a healthy person as it is for a less than healthy person.
The main difference is the compression of time between the time the plan is made the day of passing.
Yes - The process of using a Traditional Life Insurance Policy to fund a funeral in time for the service has changed and is changing. Call your Life Insurance Company and or Employee Benefits department to learn of their requirements for pay-out. Then call me so I can inform you of the every-day reality that people face when paying for a funeral.
Yes - You can Pre-Plan and retain any Government Benefits you may be receiving. Tell me the plan you are on when we meet and I can ensure you are protected.
Yes - You can Pre-Plan every part of your Funeral obligation - Funeral, Cemetery Property, Cremation - virtually everything. Effectively creating a PAID-IN-FULL account for your Funeral and or Burial service. A Traditional Burial can be divided in to Three Steps (3 contracts) easing the monthly payment burden.
Yes - There are experts in the field of Funeral Pre-Planning and Funeral Arrangers know best.
Who better to Pre-Plan a funeral than the person responsible for performing the funeral when the time comes.
I have helped thousands families with both Funeral Arrangements and Pre-Planning the service of their choice.
Yes - The survivor (next-of-kin) is responsible for paying off the remaining balance of the Pre-Plan if death occurs before the contract(s) is paid off. So keep time on your side and begin your plan NOW!
Yes – You can Insure your funeral Pre-Plan with the Mortuary.
This is the best way to protect your survivor from any remaining balance should death occur before the plan is paid off. Terms and Conditions Apply.
Yes - The next-of-kin is the only person that can authorize a burial or cremation - regardless of closeness. I can help establish an "Advanced Healthcare Directive" that may help in situations when the next-of-kin is unclear.
Yes – You can plan and fund a funeral for someone without them knowing about it.
There are times when caring family members wish to Pre-Plan Funeral and or Cemetery arrangements for Parents, Siblings, friends or a stubborn Spouse with confidentiality.
Furthermore, Parents should remember that your are ALWAYS the Parent. Until you loose your wits-about you, you will always be a full generation ahead of your children when it comes to life experience.
I have witnessed nervous adult children talk their parents out of Pre-Planning saying things like, " You're gonna live forever. Don't think about that stuff" or "I'll take care of it when the time comes" not realizing what they are saying or having no real intention of doing so.
All of this is pure non-sense.
I have seen those exact same families years later standing on a street corner holding a sign saying
It is a wonderful experience when families plan together.
It is horrible to watch families fail to plan - together.
So, YES - It can be a difficult conversation when you are ready but you're survivor is not ready to talk about it - but it's a conversation worth having. With my help, it will probably go much more smoothly.
Yes - Pre-Planning can be fun. It feels great knowing that this is finally done and your survivor will have much less to worry about when the time comes.
I have enjoyed the pleasant look of surprise on the faces of survivors during a Funeral Arrangement when they discover that their loved-one actually Pre-Planned and Pre-Funded.
Yes - I have seen survivors unpleasantly surprised by the fact that their loved-one, who usually plans everything, didn't plan for this - or started a plan but didn't finish it - or "didn't know about the life insurance thing".
Yes - I'm pre-planned too. Both I and my wife are done. Children and grandchildren can be as well under your plan until age 21. Terms and conditions apply.
Yes – I still make “House-Calls”.
I understand that not everyone is mobile and sometimes the comfort of your own home is the best place to think clearly.
Every question you have about this material and the Pre-Planning process is important to me.
Feel free to contact me for a free, no obligation appointment.
Call or text
Patrick Martin - (909) 367-8018
Email -
California Department of Insurance License #0G55742
All information on this site is based on personal experience and not to be associated with any person, product, company or business entity.
Every Mortuary and Cemetery is operated independently. Therefore individual locations retain the right to operate as they see fit within the boundaries of Local, State and Federal laws and Company Guidelines.
Terms and Conditions apply to all statements made on this site. This site is intended for informational purposes only. No sale of products or services are to be made from or based on statements made from this site until an in-person appointment is made and performed.
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